Friday, 12 August 2011

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

A change from the norm, but the Edinburgh fringe festival is one of my other favourite things. Here's a slightly more than 140 character run down of the shows I went to see for anyone reading this that's heading to Edinburgh this year.

My five star must see shows
Humphrey Kerr is Dymock Watson Nazi Smasher at the Pleasance Courtyard.
I always loved Humphrey as an Improvert at Edinburgh and then as one of the Penny Dreadfuls so I was excited to see his first solo show at Edinburgh. On top of all this I grew up on a diet of black and white war movies selected by my father, so the title of the show sounded right up my street... The small dark room that houses Humphrey's show adds to the atmosphere and you feel like you are hiding out in a resistance hut in the woods listening to a tale of great achievements. I recognised every character from at least one movie of my childhood and laughed all the way. If Humphrey brings this show down to London I will definitely be finding a way to take my dad, he'll love it and so did I!

Thom Tuck goes straight to DVD at the Pleasance Dome.
Another Improvert and Penny Dreadful it was surprising to see Thom with all his features in the correct place. For this show I think a basic knowledge of the classic Disney movies is helpful as it helps you to recognise the characters in discussion. Thom has watched all the straight to DVD Disney animated movies and spends a hilarious hour discussing them interspersed with tales of his love life cleverly interwoven. A couple of things I heard before I went didn't ring true for me, I disagree with the Broadway Baby reviewer who felt the romantic interludes didn't fit, I loved the way the subtly connected with the Disney material. I also disagreed with the person who told me Thom was doing more downbeat material, I laughed so hard during the show that I couldn't breathe and room began to spin. Sitting in the front row I was concerned that I might put Thom off as I nearly fell off my chair laughing but if I did it didn't show. What is perhaps slightly concerning about this show is I know want to watch the straight to DVD Disney movies with Thom's insight as I'm sure they will be a great laugh!

On the serious note I went to see Minute after midday, an incredible performance from three young Irish performers. A series of interweaved monologues put together the story of the 1998 Omagh bombings. Told from the perspective of a little girl who survived, the wife of a man who died saving the girl's life and one of the bombers, I was crying by the end. I loved the way they introduced the back stories so you really felt like you knew the characters. I tend to watch exclusively comedy in Edinburgh but this has got to be seen, I've seen anything that I walked out of feeling like I had just watched the real event I was shell shocked and pretty speechless for at least an hour afterwards.

My four and a half star shows that I loved and think you probably will too!
Frisky and Mannish at the Udderbelly.
My friend loved this more than me and I think perhaps because she listens to more music than me. That said most of the Brit pop was pretty old skool and I recognised a lot. Frisky and Mannish will help you work out which boy band member you are - I turned out to be a Razor light, thanks to my 'cool' hair. They are both incredibly talented and I live in awe at people who can sing songs to a different but equally favourite tune. I think perhaps the funniest thing about this show was the audience member who was nearly crying at the prospect of being part of a new 'boy band'. The most annoying thing getting their version of 'The Wheels on the Bus' stuck in my head for the rest of the Fringe. But at the end of the show, I felt upbeat, ready to go out partying and well versed in the skills I need to become a pop star, the charts had better look out!

Spank! at the Underbelly.
A perennial favourite, my Fringe wouldn't be complete without at least one trip to Spank. My favourite late night 'compilation' show, James and Leon the ever bubbly hosts do a sterling job and bring the audience along for the ride. Not a show for the easily offended, especially the promo spot, see how quickly confident acts lose their confidence when the undies hit the floor... The night we went I particularly enjoyed Chris Martin, no not that one... He was really funny and dealt with a very drunk heckler admirably. I wish I had been able to go see his show as he was funny and despite his claims, as good looking as Jenssen Button.

Now I have to go bake an eightieth birthday cake so I'll post some more reviews later...

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